the unofficial ian mcnabb fan site


This site started in the mid 1990s as a fan-produced site to provide fans with information on concert dates and recording releases for Ian McNabb. At that time, there wasn't much information available on the Internet for fans. As an American fan, there was very little at all in the way of other information around, either. To make up for this, I posted everything that I could get my hands on from fans and promotional materials to keep folks informed.

One of the things that was very useful to me was the Ian McNabb/Icicle Works Discography created by Al Crawford and Marten Skjefte. In 1997, I found out that Al was removing the discography from his site, and I offered to host it and continue to contribute to it. That was the real growth in the readership of the site, as it brought in fans from all over the world.

A that time, I was hosting the site at my personal web site at the now-defunct Compuserve Ourworld. After a year or so, I was contacted by Ian McNabb, and he suggested that we register the domain and make the site official. So by 1999, this is how the site was operating. It was hosted at CompuServe's personal pages site (which was limited to 5Mb of web space, with no database, and provided no scripting). If you typed in the url "" you'd end up at my personal site "" instead. This was accomplished through a simple redirection provided by, one of a number of small early hosting providers.

After a while, it made sense that with hosting costs coming down, I should move the site to its own hosting, and away from my personal site. So all the content was moved to hosting, and the domain was pointed there. This worked great for several years. That is until about late 2005, when I found out that the site was gone. Herb and his had gone out of business with no forwarding address. Hosting with them was great for personal service and low prices, but it apparently was not enough to keep the lights on. Luckily, McNabb fan and PHP guru Sean Miller stepped in with an offer to help with the technological help and hosting. He had already been assisting for number of years to provide DNS and other know-how. One great thing about this move is it allowed to set up its own bulletin board, so in August 2006, the discussion bulletin board was started.

In September 2009, I was contacted by Ian's management, saying that they planned to take over the, domain and hoped to provide a more uniform look and connection between and Ian's Myspace page. I always knew this was a plan, in fact back around 2000, I really thought we'd see plast-c take over soon. It never happened, so I kept merrily going along as the official site. This time, it was obvious things were going to change. So, became and reverted back to its original status as the unofficial site.


The Ian McNabb web pages are copyright protected.
Portions copyright © 1997-2020 Leslie Carl Seiler. All rights reserved. Portions copyright © 1997-2020 R. I. McNabb. All rights reserved.

Discography copyright © 1998-1969 Leslie Carl Seiler. Portions copyright © 1995-1997 Al Crawford and Marten Skjefte, used with permission. All rights reserved.

Some design elements by Ged Doyle at plast-c.

Some portions are authored by others and reproduced here with permssion. Unauthorized use and redistribution is prohibited. Copyright remains with the original authors. Their presentation here is protected by compilation copyrights in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and other jurisdictions.

All registered trademarks used here are used to refer to the product and/or services of their respective holders and are not intended to suggest or imply a relationship or affiliation with, sponsorship, or endorsement by the trademark owners.

The views expressed on these pages reflect the views of the author or authors and in no way represent the views of Ian McNabb, his management, or his label, except where stated. The authors are solely responsible for its content.

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I can't tell you where the journey ends, but rest assured there's always someting waiting just around the bend...