the unofficial ian mcnabb fan site

mcnabb/icicle works discography

There are three parts of the Ian McNabb and Icicle Works disocgraphy. Remember, the discography is a group effort, so please be sure to email me with updates and corrections. You'll find the discography in three sections, The Icicle Works, Ian McNabb solo material, and Various Artists compilations.

Carl (


Discography written by Al Crawford and Morten Skjefte with additions by Carl Seiler, Håkan Strääf, and Kenn Scott. The information contained herein was gleaned from our respective record collections. Chart information was found in the Guinness Book Of British Hit Singles and the Guinness Book Of British Hit albums. American Chart information is taken from The Billboard Book of Top 40 Hits by Joel Whitburn. Canadian chart info is from the book Canada Top 40 by Ted Kennedy. Merseybeast UK chart info from ChartWatch. Thanks to David R. Zangger, Peter Berck, Surinder Singh-Chand, Brian Guest, Richard Peat, Mark Anderton, Noriko Hiratani, John A. Waltho, Andy Wolage, Jason Bradley, Mark Morgan, Dave Greer, Mark Turrell, John Tanner, Jared Gorai, C.K. Leong, Russell Jones, Ian Tunstall, Secret Agent, Jo Hjermstad, Daniel Midgley, Derek Hall, Mark Hazenberg, Gary Foreman, Phil Sparks, John Kidd, Paul Donovan, and Jon Charnley. for their help, additions, and corrections. Carl would like to express a big thank you to Håkan Strääf, who helped us with many European catalog numbers and track listings, and lots of label timings. Thanks to Kenn Scott for Canadian discography info, British and Canadian chart info, and keeping us on our toes about production credits and track times. And, of course, thanks to Ian McNabb, Chris Layhe, and Chris Sharrock for making the music.

This discography is dedicated to the memory of Morten Skjefte, who helped with many discographies (the Church, Dream Academy, Faith No More, and others) that now dot the world wide web. He was founder of the Church email list "Seance" and died in 1998.

Good will to all men & women who sail with us!

History of Discography Versions

Who is Ian McNabb?

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